Läste idag på Perezhilton.com (love that guy!) att de ev ska bli en spinn off på Melrose Place.. eller det ska bli en spinnoff! Helt fantastiskt !! *wiiie* Hoppas de får in Heather Locklear hon gjorde ju hela serien ! *tycka*
så här står de på Perez sajt:
The MUST bring Heather Locklear back!!!!!
The CW did well for themselves with their spin-off of 90210 and now they're hoping to do the same to Melrose Place.
A rep for the network has confirmed that the are “exploring” the possibility of creating a new version of the iconic '90s show.
There's been buzz about a Melrose revival for a while, and now that buzz seems to be turning into reality!!!
The CW rep stresses that talks about reviving Melrose Place have just begun.
There are no writers or show producers attached. Yet.
Amanda Woodward lives, bitches!!!!!!!!!
Update: The Hollywood Reporter confirms that a new Melrose IS happening.
1 kommentar:
Vad roligt om det blir så :P Jag kommer verkligen titta om den kommer visas i sverige.
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